Trees to 30m; trunk to 1m diam. bark gray-brown or gray, fissured into irregularly oblong plates. Branchlets densely red-brown. Leaves 5 per fascicle, stomatal lines 5-6 along each abaxial surface, vascular bundle 1, resin canals 3, median, margins distantly serrulate. 7-12cm × 1mm, 5-6 pollen cones usually borne in spikelike clusters at base of 1st-year branchlets, 2-5 seed cone maturing in 2nd or 3rd year. Cone cylindric, 12-15cm × 6- 8cm, Seed scales reflexed at apex. Seeds obliquely obovoid, wingless, 12-18mm × 12mm.
2n=24 Pollination May Seed maturity Oct of 2nd year Distribution Northeastern China, far eastern Russia, Japan (Honshu); mountains above 1,000 m, cultivated in lowland of South Korea
<Japan Flora>
Tree; young shoots densely brown-pubescent; leaves 5 in a fascicle, deep green, straight, 7-12 cm. long, 1-1.2 mm. wide, triangular, serrulate, acute, with 2 stoma tai bands on inside; staminate aments reddish yellow; cones 9-15 cm. long, ovoid-conical or oblong-conical, 5-7 cm. across, the scales obtuse and slightly recurved at apex; seeds about 12 mm. long, wingless. Mountains; Honshu (centr. distr.), Shikoku. Korea, Manchuria, and Ussuri.