Trees to 20 m tall, evergreen; branches stout, dark brown, densely long red-brown pubescent while young, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, ovate-elliptic to narrowly so, or oblong, 7-13 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, abruptly long-acuminate, pubescent while young, soon becoming glabrous, entire, often slightly undulate, abruptly decurrent on the petiole, lustrous and deep green above, slightly paler and often becoming reddish beneath when dried, with 10-12 pairs of lateral nerves, the midrib not impressed above the petioles slightly flattened, not grooved, 10-30 mm. long; staminate inflorescence pendulous, the bracts scarious, 3-8 mm long; stamens 10-12; pistillate inflorescence few-flowered, the fruiting involucres densely appressed-puberulent; nuts ellipsoidal, about 2 cm. long.
Flowering May. Fruting October of the next season Distribution: Taiwan, Japan (Honshu to Kyushu), Korea: JN, JJ. Mixed and broad-leaved evergreen forests on lower mountain slopes.