Japan Flora: Branches rather stout, with densely grayish or yellowish brown pubescence while young; leaves coriaceous, oblong, sometimes broadly oblanceolate, 10- 15 cm. long, A-6 cm. wide, abruptly acute to acuminate with an obtuse tip, acute at base, pubescent on both surfaces while very young, glabrescent and lustrous above, silvery beneath with obscure lepidote scales, sometimes with few obscure undulate teeth on upper margin, the lateral nerves 6 to 8 pairs, the petioles pubescent, 8-10 mm. long; staminate aments erect, densely flowered, linear; nuts broadly ovoid or ellipsoidal, 1.5-2 cm. long, depressed at base, the involucre shallow, with small adnate Kales. Oct-Nov.
Honshu (Kinki and Chugoku Distr.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus and Formosa.