Japan Flora: Perennial herb, usually woolly-pubescent in young parts; stems long-creeping, rooting at nodes, the scalelike leaves in false pairs; ordinary leaves long-petiolate, fascicled in the axils of scale-leaves, the blades reniform-rounded, 2.5-5 cm. wide, deeply cordate with an open sinus at base, with depressed teeth, the petioles 4-10 (-20) cm. long; umbels axillary, on peduncles 2-8 mm. long, 2- to 5-flowered, the pedicels very short or obsolete; involucral bracts 2, ovate, membranous, persistent; fruit about 3 mm. long, somewhat flattened, depressed ovate-globose, the carpels with raised reticulations, loosely pubescent when young, soon glabrate. May-Aug. Old stone walls and rocky, sunny places in lowlands and hills especially near seashores;
Honshu (s. Kan to Distr., Echigo Prov. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu; common. s. Korea, Ryukyus, Formosa, China, and the warmer regions of the Old World.