Japan Flora: Perennial, in autumn producing short-cylindric winter-buds at the end of slender, elongate, creeping stems, glabrous or with a few long hairs at the summit of the petiole; stems filiform, long-creeping, loosely leafy; leaves radical, deciduous in au¬tumn, the blades reniform-orbicular, with closed to open basal margins, 5(-7)-lobed, 5-20 mm. in diameter, the lobes broadly cuneate, with 3-5 obtuse marginal teeth, the petioles 7-20 mm. long, the stipules thin, membranous, about 1.2 mm. wide; peduncles radical, shorter or slightly longer than the leaves, filiform, the pedicels obsolete or nearly so; fruits 2-4(-10), the styles slender. June-Oct. Woods in hills and mountains;