Japan Flora: Perennial; stems long-creeping, with few-leaved ascending branches 5-25 cm. long, crisped-puberulent, sparingly branched in upper part; leaf-blades reniform-orbicular, 3-6 cm. in diameter, obtuse, deeply cordate, with callose hairs on upper side, shallowly 5- to 9-lobed, the lobes depressed-deltoid, ob¬tusely double-dentate, the petioles of the radical leaves 7-15 cm. long, of the cauline 5-10 mm. long, the stipules membranous, rounded, about 3 mm. wide; umbels rather many-flowered, usudly borne only on the branches; fruit short-pedicellate, the styles short. July-Oct. Woods in low mountains;
Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Tropics of Asia.