Japan Flora: Stems rather stout, 4-winged, usually pubescent on the nodes and upper parts; leaves slightly fleshy, narrowly ovate to deltoid-ovate, 8-15 cm. long, 4-8 (-10) cm. wide, acute, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, regularly toothed, nearly glabrous on both sides, the petioles narrowly winged, semiclasping; cymes rather many-flowered, pedunculate, forming a terminal panicle, longer than the bracts, the branches usually loosely glandular- pilose; pedicels 1-2 cm. long; calyx-lobes ovate-orbicular, rounded at apex; corolla 12-15 mm. long, yellow-green, tinged pale brownish purple; capsules 7-10 mm. long, 5-7 mm. wide, ovoid-conical; seeds narrowly ovate, dark brown, with few obsolete longitudinal grooves. May-Aug. Near seashores.
Hokkaido, Honshu (Rikuchu and Noto Prov. and northw.). s. Kuriles and Sakhalin.