Japan Flora: Densely stellate-tomentose shrub, except the leaves on upper side; branches terete; leaves narrowly ovate, sometimes broadly lanceolate, 7-15 cm. long, 3-6 cm. wide, caudate, rounded to subacute at base, entire or obsoletely undulate* toothed, very thinly pubescent on upper side while young, the petioles 5-15 mm. long; panicles 10-30 cm. long, onesided and densely many-flowered, declined in upper part, spiciform; corolla pale purple, densely stellate-hairy externally, the tube gendy curved, about 15 mm. long; anthers above the middle of the tube; capsules ovoid, 5-6 mm. long. July-Nov. Sunny slopes and waste grounds in hills and low elevations in the mountains;
Shikoku, Kyushu.
f. calvescens Ohwi. Leaves green on both surfaces.