Japan Flora: Brown-strigose shrub 1-2 m. high; leaves narrowly oblong or broadly oblanceolate, 3-8 cm. long, 1-3 cm. wide, acute at both ends, loosely strigose on upper side, densely so beneath especially on the nerves, the petioles 1-5 mm. long; flowers 2-3, pale rose-purple, terminal, in umbels, the pedicels 7-10 mm. long; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes narrowly ovate, subobtuse to subacute, 4-8 mm. long; corolla 5-6 cm. across, infundibuliform, 5-lobed, with deeply colored spots inside on the upper lobes; stamens (7-)10, the filaments glabrous to papillose-pilose on the lower half, the anthers purplish; styles glabrous or with appressed hairs near base; capsules ovoid, 8-10 mm. in diameter, long-pilose. Apr.-May.