Viscum coloratum(Kom.) Nakai (redirected from: Viscum album var. rubroaurantiacum Makino)
Family: Santalaceae
[Viscum album f. rubroaurantiacum (Makino) Ohwi, moreViscum album subsp. coloratum Kom., Viscum album var. coloratum (Kom.) Ohwi, Viscum album var. lutescens Makino, Viscum album var. rubroaurantiacum Makino, Viscum alni-formosanae Hayata, Viscum alniformosanae Hayata, Viscum coloratum f. lutescens Kitag., Viscum coloratum f. rubroaurantiacum (Makino) Kitag., Viscum coloratum var. alniformosanae (Hayata) Iwata, Viscum coloratum var. lutescens (Makino) Miyabe, Viscum coloratum var. rubroaurantiacum (Makino) Miyabe]
Korea Flora: Evergreen shrub parasitic on oak, hackberry, alder, chestnut, and birch trees. Grows in a round, nest-like shape with a diameter of 1m. Winter buds and branchlets: Branches divide dichotomously, round, yellowish-green, glabrous, with internodes 3-6cm long. Leaves opposite, lanceolate, 3-6cm × 0.6-1.2cm, apex obtuse, base rounded, gradually narrowing towards the base, sessile, dark green, thick, and without luster. Flowers dioecious, terminal. Sessile, yellow. Bracteoles cup-shaped, perianth bell-shaped and 4-lobed, stigma sessile. Fruit and seeds: Round, light yellow, 6mm in diameter, with persistent perianth and stigma at the apex.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 20.
Flowering: Late April
Fruiting: Late August to late October
Distribution: Northern to southern China, northeastern regions, throughout Japan; South of Pyonganbukdo and Hamgyongnamdo in Korea.
Japan Flora: Tufted, glabrous, green, parasitic shrub, the branches 30-60 cm. long, dichotomously or trichot- omously branched, terete, rather thick, jointed at nodes; leaves thick, dull, opposite, oblanceolate, 3-6 cm. long, 6^12 mm. wide, 3- to 5-nerved, rounded to obtuse, deep green on both sides, sessile; flowers terminal on the branch lets, sessile, small, yellow, the bracteoles cup-shaped, the perianth campanulate, 3-lobed; stigma sessile; fruit globose, pale yellow, semitrans- lucent, about 6 mm. across, the perianth lobes and style persistent. Feb.-Mar. Parasitic on deciduous trees; Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common. China, Korea, and Manchuria. A variable widely distributed species from w. Europe to nw. Asia.
f. rubroaurantiacum (Makino) Ohwi. A rare phase with orange-red fruit.