Japan Flora: Appressed-pilosulous biennial; stems branched at base, somewhat tufted, 10-30 cm. long, erect, den- der; leaves oblong or ovate, 1-3 cm. long, 6-20 mm. wide, obtuse, mucronate, subcuneate at base, the lower ones petiolate, the upper ones sessile; racemes rather loosely many-flowered, 5-25 cm. long, often leafy at the base, the pedicels ascending, 3-9 mm. long, spreading in fruit, clavately thickened at tip; flowers pale blue, about 2 mm. across; stamens inserted on the middle of the corolla-tube, the anthers about 0.3 mm. long; nutlets short-stipitate, glabrous or puberulent, about 1 mm. long on the back. Apr.-May. Grassy places and cultivated fields in lowlands.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; very common. Ryukyus, Korea, and widely distributed in the temperate regions of Asia