Japan Flora: Loosely appressed-strigose perennial herb with creeping rhizomes; stems erect, 20-40 cm. long, simple; leaves ovate or broadly so, 3-7 cm. long, acute, the radical ones long-petiolate, shallowly cordate, the cauline short-pctiolate, truncate to broadly cuneate at base; racemes 2- to 4-branched or sometimes solitary, 8-to 15-flowered, bractless, the pedicels ascending, 1-15 cm. long corolla white or pale blue, 7-10 mm. across, the tube 1.5 mm. long, smooth, glabrous; stamens inserted above the middle of the tube, the anthers about 0.5 mm. long; nutlets dark brown, very short-stipitate, puberulent, about 2 mm. long on the back. May-June. Wet places in mountains.