Japan Flora: Shrub to 1 m. high, erect, branched, the inner bud-scalcs glandular-ciliatc, the young branchlets glabrous or sparsely puberulous; leaves membranous, ovate-oblong or obovate, sometimes oblong, 2.5-5 cm. long, 1.5-2.5 cm. wide, subacute to subobtuse, loosely pilose especially toward the margin, ciliate at first, the hairs later falling and leaving minute obsolete teeth, glaucous and with oppressed coarse hairs on the midrib beneath, the petioles 2-4 mm. long; flowers 3-8, umbellate, tubular-campanulate, slightly oblique, pale yellow or pale greenish yellow, 13-17 mm. long, nodding, the pedicels usually 2-3 cm. long, glandular-pilose; corolla white-pubescent inside; anthers slender, about 4 mm. long; ovary with few glandular hairs; capsules about 4 mm. long, 5-valved; style 10-14 mm. long. May-June. Mountains and hills.
Honshu (Totomi and Echizen Prov. and westw.); rather common.