Japan Flora: Large deciduous shrub, with exfoliating bark; branches gray-broxvn, glabrous; leaves broadly obovate, 5-8 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, caudate, broadly cuneate at base,coarsely serrate, pale green and pilose especially on nerves beneath, the petioles 3-7 mm. long; panicles 4-7 cm. long, pilose or glabrous; flowers white, 6-7 mm. across, on short slender pedicels; calyx-teeth membranous, ovate-rounded; stamens slightly longer than the corolla, more or less fasciculate in 5 groups; fruit obliquely ovoid, bluish black, 6-7 mm. in diameter. June.
Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea (Quelpaert).
Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub. Height 3-5m. Winter buds and young shoots: Terminal buds ovoid with pointed tips, 4-5mm long. 6-10 bud scales, with pseudo-terminal buds similar to lateral buds. Branches grayish-brown, young shoots glabrous. Leaf scars semicircular or crescent-shaped. Leaves alternate, broadly spoon-shaped, with long tail-like tips and broadly cuneate bases, size 5-8cm × 3-5cm. Upper surface green and glabrous, lower surface light green with hairs on veins, margins with long, sharp serrations. Petiole 3-7cm long with fine hairs. Flowers in panicles at the ends of new branches, 4-7cm long, with or without hairs. Flowers about 1cm in diameter, white. Calyx green, divided into 5 parts. Corolla 6-7mm in diameter, divided into 5 parts, petals elliptical, turning pale yellow when dry. Stamens somewhat divided into 5 groups, style glabrous. Fruit and seed ovoid, 6-7mm long, with persistent calyx, dark black in color.
Flowering : May-June
Fruiting: September
Distribution: Southern Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan; Jeju in Korea
Taxonomic notes: Widely distributed in southern Japan, with Jeju Island known as the only native habitat in Korea.