Japan Flora: Deciduous erect glabrous shrub 30-100 cm. high; leaves elliptic to obovate or ovate-oblong, rarely broadly lanceolate, 3-8 cm. long, 1.5-5 cm. wide, acute to obtuse, ciliate, glabrous or loosely pilose on both sides, sometimes glaucescent beneath, the petioles to 3 mm. long; inflorescence a many-flowered, onesided, leafy, ascending raceme 5-15 cm. long, the pedicels 3-10 mm. long; flowers nodding, pale green; calyx-segments ovate, with few glandular hairs on margin; corolla urceolate, 4-5 mm. long; filaments pilose; ovary glabrous to pilose; capsules depressed-globose, erect, 4-5 mm. in diameter. July-Aug. Sunny slopes in mountains;