Japan Flora: Stems very slender, long-creeping, sparsely branched, puberulent while young, becoming dark red-brown; leaves coriaceous, oblong to narrowly ovate, obtuse to subacute, rounded at base, glabrous, lustrous and deep green, paler and glaucous beneath, entire, the margins slightly recurved, the midrib impressed on upper side, slightly raised beneath, the petioles about 1 mm. long; flowers nodding, the peduncles 3-4 cm. long, deflexed at tip, with 2 small linear bracteoles near the middle; corolla 7-10 mm. long, rose-colored, the segments broadly lanceolate, obtuse, strongly recurved; berries red, globose, about 1 cm. in diameter; seeds longitudinally rugose. June-July. Sphagnum bogs;
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. and n. distr.). Kuriles, Sakhalin, and widely distributed in the cooler regions of the N. Hemisphere.