Japan Flora: branches graybrown, glabrous, acutely angled; leaves subcoriaceous, broadly ovate to ovate-orbicular, or sometimes broadly elliptic, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 1-2.5 cm. wide, rounded to obtuse, sometimes shallowly cordate at base, serrulate, glabrous, glaucous and with prominently raised veinlets beneath, subsessile; flowers solitary, opening with the leaves, pale greenish, nodding, the pedicels 5- 7 mm. long, naked; calyx-limb short; corolla urceolate, about 5 mm. long; awns of the anthers slightly exceeding the anther length; berries blue, globose, about 8 mm. in diameter; Alpine;
Honshu (n. distr. and Japan Sea side of centr. distr.); rare.