Japan Flora: Erect branched shrub with red-brown, 3-angled, glabrous branchlets; leaves obovate, to narrowly ovate-elliptic, 3-8 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, acute to obtuse, acute at base, entire, spreading-puberulent beneath, the midrib puberulent on upper and lower side, the petioles 1-2 mm. long; panides 7-15 cm. long inclusive of the peduncle, rather densely many-flow- 하ed, puberulent, the bracts subulate-linear, 2-4 mm. long; flowers small, white to roseate; calyx cup-shaped, about 2 mm. across; petds 6-8 mm. long; fruit about 3 mm. across, the stipe short, about 1 mm. long. Aug-Sept. Mountains.