Japan Flora: Deciduous nearly glabrous shrub 1-2 m. high, with gray-brown branches; leaves in 3*s, terminal on the branchlets, broadly ovate- rhombic, 4-7 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, very acute, broadly cuneate to sabrounded at base, often minutely glandular- dotted on both sides, glabrous or sparsely hairy on the upper side and on the upper portion of petioles, entire, the petioles 5-15 mm. long, often puberulent; flowers 1-3, purplish, termi- nal, before the leaves, the pedicels 5-20 mm. long, rather densely short glandular-hairy; calyx-teeth very short; corolla 3-4 cm. across, 5-lobed; stamens 5, the filaments glabrous; styles glabrous; ovary densely glandular-puberulous; capsules ovoid-cylindric, oblique, 1-1.2 cm. long, about 4 mm. across, short-glandular. Apr.