Japan Flora: Plant 2-3 cm. high, the branches minutely pubescent; leaves coriaceous, lustrous, 3-4 mm. long, nearly 1 mm. wide, lenticular in cross section, obtuse, the margin often obscurely glandular-puberulent, the midrib impressed on both sides, white-puberulent beneath while young; inflorescence 2-4 cm. long, white-puberulent, densely few- flowered; flowers 5-6 mm. across; calyx-segments ovate, obtuse, about 1 mm. long; corolla lobes oblong, about 3 mm. long; capsules about 4 mm. across. July-Aug. Dry gravelly and rocky alpine slopes;
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. and n. distr.); rare. Kuriles and Kamchatka.