Japan Flora: Rather stout glabrous erect biennial 30-60 cm. high; stems terete, subscapose; leaves rosulatc, oblong or obovate- spa th ulate, 8-30 cm. long, 3-8 cm. wide, acute to short-acuminate, entire, rather fleshy; cauline leaves ovate to narrowly lanceolate, 2-5 cm. long, 5-20 mm. wide, the upper ones becoming bracteate; panicles terminal, few-flowaxd,the bracts small, 1-10 mm. long, the pedicels deflexed, thickened above; calyx-segments 4-5, narrowly deltoid, acuminate, 2-4 mm. long, about as long as the tube; corolla-lobes 4-5, broadly oblanceolate, 12-15 mm. long, acuminate, greenish, with an orbicular gland about 3 mm. across slightly above the center, purple-brown spotted on the upper half; capsules as long as die corolla, 2-valved, sessile; seeds small, oblong-cylindric, short- tuberded. Dec.-Jan.
Kyushu (s. distr. incl. Yakushima and Tanegashima). Ryukyus (Amami-Oshima).