Japan Flora: Small biennial, 2-10 cm. high, usually branched from the base and somewhat tufted, minutely papillose; basal leaves rosulate, rhombic-ovate to narrowly so, 1-4 cm. long, 5-12 mm. wide, spreading, rather thick, acuminate, awn-pointed; cauline leaves ovate to narrowly so, 5-10 mm. long, 2-5 mm. wide, awn-tipped, sessile and short-sheathing at base; flowers few to rather numerous, short-pedunculate; calyx-tube 4-6 mm. long, the lobes ovate or obovate, gradually spreading or slightly reflexed, awn-pointed, about half as long as the tube, 2-4 mm. long; corolla 12-15 mm. long, pale blue, about twice as long as the calyx, the plaits of the corolla slightly smaller than the lobes, sometimes 2-fid; capsules long-stipitate, exserted; seeds broadly fusiform, nearly smooth. Mar.-June. Sunny fields in lowlands;
Honshu, Kynshu; rather common. Korea, Formosa, n.India, China, and Siberia.