Japan Flora: Glabrous erect annual or biennial 50-80 cm. high; stems often much branched, with 4 elevated striations; rosuJate leaves oblong, large, long-attenuate to a petiolelike base, with several parallel nerves; lower cauline leaves ovate to broadly lanceolate, 5-12 cm. long, 1-6 cm. wide, acuminate, cuneate or acuminate at base; flowers erect, 5-merous, in rather loose panicles, the pedicels 1-5 cm. long; calyx-segments broadly oblanceolate, obtuse, much longer than the tube, about half as long as the corolla; corolla-lobes broadly cuneate-oblanceolate, 10-13 mm. long, creamy white with green spots on upper half and a pair of orbicular, brownish glands slightly above the center, about 1.5 mm. across; capsules slightly longer than the corolla; seeds small, dark brown, with minute warty papillae. SepL-Oct. Wet grassy places in lowlands and mountains;