Japan Flora: Glabrous, erect perennial, 7-20 cm. high,with slender, short rhizomes; leaves spathulate, ovate, rhombic-ovate, or obovate, 3-8 cm. long, 1.5-4 cm. wide, acute or subacuminate, green above, pale green beneath, 3-nerved, slightly undulate-margined; flowers 3-10, nearly terminal, 4-5 cm. long, blue, with green spots, 5-merous; calyx-tube 6-10 mm. long, the lobes broadly ovate or ovate-cordate, spreading, rather unequal; plaits of corolla nearly entire; capsules lanceolate, sripitate,not exserted; seeds lanceolate, reticulate, narrowly winged. Oct.-Nov. Woods in mountains;