Japan Flora: Deciduous tree with smooth, yellow-brown bark, the young branchlets glabrous or minutely stellate-pubescent; leaves herbaceous to chartaceous, alternate, often approximate toward the top of branchlets, broadly oblanceolate to narrowly cuneate-obovate, abruptly acuminate to acute, acutely toothed, green and glabrous or sparingly stellate-pubescent on upper side, paler beneath and with loosely appressed hairs, especially on the nerves, the axillary hairs tufted, the lateral nerves 8 to 15 pairs; inflorescence 8-15 cm. long, more or less paniculate, many-flowered, densely stellate- pubescent; flowers white, pedicelled, 6-8 mm. across; calyxsegments ovate-elliptic, pilose; petals elliptic, rounded at apex, irregularly minutely toothed; fruit depressed, erect, exceeding the calyx, long-hairy, 4-5 mm. across; seeds elliptic, flat, about 1 mm. long, narrowly margined, with raised reticulations on the surface. July-Sept. Hills and mountains.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common and very variable. Korea (Quelpaert).