Japan Flora: Small soft annual; stems terete, decumbent, branched, 3-10 cm. long; leaves broadly lanceolate to narrowly ovate, 5-10 mm. long, 2-3 mm. wide, obtuse, narrowed to a short petiolelike base, lateral nerves delicate, in 2 or 3 pairs; flowers solitary, nearly sessile, about 1 mm. across, rose-colored; sepals 3, ovate, very obtuse, connate at base, 1 of them often smaller sepals; stamens 3; styles 3, free, short, erect; capsules membranous, depressed-globose, about 2 mm. across; seeds many, oblong-cylindric, about 0.5 mm. long, slightly curved, rounded at both ends, with minute hexagonal reticulations. June-Aug. Wet places and paddy fields in lowlands;
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. The N. Hemisphere and S. America.