Japan Flora: Nearly glabrous or scattered short-pubescent erect annual; stems 30-60 cm. long, angled, branched; leaves rather thick, broadly ovate, 6- 10 cm. long, 4-6 cm. wide, acute or obtuse, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, entire or undulate-toothed, deep green, the petioles short, winged in upper part; cymes umbellate, supra- axillary, the axis 3-8 mm. long, the peduncles 1-3 cm. long, the pedicels 7-12 mm, long; flowers 6-7 mm. across, white; calyx-teeth depressed-deltoid or ovate-rounded; anthers narrowly oblong; berries globose3 black, 6-7 mm. across. Aug.-Oct. Waste grounds and roadsides.