Japan Flora: Perennial herb with short rhizomes; stems branched, 50-70 cm. long, often with scattered long-spreading hairs; leaves membranous, ovate to broadly so, 4-8 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, obtuse to acute, abrupdy narrowed at base to a rather long winged petiole, entire, ciliate; flowers 2 or 3, rarely solitary in the axils, pendulous, small, pale yellowish, the pedicels 2-3 cm. long, sometimes long pubescent, thickened at apex; calyx long-pubescent in flower, the teeth depressed-deltoid, undulate, the hairs becoming soft spiny in fruit; corolla puberulent externally; filaments glabrous; fruit globose, 8-10 mm. across, enclosed in the persistent calyx, white at maturity. July-Oct.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea, Manchuria, and China.