Japan Flora: Small glabrous evergreen tree, yellowgreen when dry, the branchlets rather stout, slightly angled; leaves narrowly oblong, 10-15 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, acute with an obtuse tip, acuminate at base, lustrous above, undulatetoothed on upper margin, the midrib slightly impressed or flat on upper side, the midrib raised beneath; flowers 8-10 mm. across, sessile, in axillary headlike spikes, the bracts and bracteoles depressed-cordate, glabrous, ciliolate; calyxteeth broadly elliptic, about 3 mm. long, obsoletely ciliolate; fruit ellipsoid-globose, 2-2.2 cm. in diameter, black. Dec.
Shikoku, Kyushu (Hiuga Prov., Yakushima and Tanega- shima). Ryukyus.