Japan Flora: Small glabrous evergreen tree; branches dark brown, slender, the young branchlets terete, pale green to vivid green when dried; leaves thinly coriaceous, ovate or narrowly so, 4-7 cm. long, 1.5-25 cm. wide, candate, abruptly mucronate, rounded to abruptly acute at base, obtuse-toothed, lustrous, pale green beneath, the petioles slender, 8-15 mm. long; racemes 3- to 6-flowered, loose, nearly corymbose, the pedicels 8-15 mm. long, slender, the bracteoles lanceolate, membranous, long-hairy on back, slightly longer than the calyx, caducous; calyx-limb short, the teeth ovate-deltoid, small, less than 1 mm. long; corolla about 12 mm. across; stamens nearly as long as the corolla; fruit narrowly ovoid, 7-8 mm. in diameter; May.
Honshu (sw. Kinki Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu.