Japan Flora: Large shrub, the young branches stellate-pubescent, becoming gray-brown or purplebrown, the outer layer of bark often exfoliating; leaves broadly rhombic to broadly rhombic-obovate, 5-8 cm. long, 4-7 cm. wide, rounded to obtuse, broadly cuneate at base, abruptly mucronate, deep green on upper side, irregularly large-toothed near the tip, pale green and stellate-hairy while young beneath, the petioles 7-15 mm. long, stellate-hairy; racemes 3-6 cm. long, few-flowered, densely stellate-hairy, the bracts and bracteoles persistent, linear, shorter than the calyx, the pedicels 0-3 mm. long; calyx-teeth narrowly deltoid; corolla 15-20 mm. long; filaments connate at base into a short tube; fruit ellipsoidal, 1δΈ€1'2 cm. long, stellate-hairy, mucronate. June. Mountains.
Honshu (Kanto Distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu; rare.