Korea Flora: Deciduous small tree or shrub. Height 7m. Winter Buds and Terminal Buds: Terminal buds ovate, globose, or conical, naked, with rounded apex, 3-10mm long, larger than lateral buds. Young branches and rachis reddish and pubescent. Leaf scars heart-shaped or triangular. Branches exude latex when cut. Leaves: Alternate, odd-pinnately compound; leaflets (9)13-17, shortly petiolulate, ovate or oblong, apex acuminate, base rounded, 4-10cm × 3-5cm, upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy along veins. Lower surface pubescent, margins either entire or mixed with 2-3 teeth. Leaves turn red in autumn. Flowers: Dioecious, panicles in leaf axils, 15-30cm long, densely covered with brown hairs. Yellowish-green; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each; pistillate flowers with 5 staminodes and 1 unilocular ovary with 3 stigmas. Fruit and Seeds: Asymmetrically globose, 6mm in diameter, covered with branched hairs, yellowish-brown.
Flowering Period: Late April to mid-June Fruiting Period: Early September to late November Distribution: Southern Kuril Islands (Russia), Hokkaido to Kyushu (Japan); South of Pyeongannam-do (Korea)