Korea Flora: Small deciduous tree. Winter Buds and Terminal Buds: Terminal buds ovoid-oblong, globose, naked, with rounded apex; terminal buds larger than lateral buds, 8-17mm long. Branches thick, with dense yellowish-brown hairs on young branches, leaf undersides, and inflorescences. Leaf scars heart-shaped or triangular. Branches exude latex when cut. Leaves: Alternate, odd-pinnately compound, 20-40cm long including petiole; leaflets 9-15, shortly petiolulate, broadly lanceolate or narrowly oblong, abruptly acuminate at apex, base rounded or broadly cuneate, 7-12cm × 2-4cm, upper surface glabrous or pubescent, lower surface densely hairy along veins, margins entire. Flowers: Dioecious, panicles in leaf axils, 8-18cm long with curved spreading hairs. Yellowish-green; 5 sepals and 5 petals; staminate flowers with 5 stamens, pistillate flowers with 5 staminodes and 1 pistil. Fruit and Seeds: Drupes, yellowish-green, asymmetrically globose, about 1cm in diameter, glabrous.
Flowering Period: May Fruiting Period: October Distribution: Southern Honshu to Okinawa, Japan; Jeollanam-do, Korea