Japan Flora: Evergreen tree, the young branchlets pale yellowish and densely appressed silky-pubes- cent; leaves coriaceous, obovate to oblong, 3-6 cm. long, 1.2-3 cm. wide, rounded at apex, obtuse at base, appressed-pubescent above while young, densely yellowish silky appressed-tomen- tose beneath, deep green above, the margin slightly recurved, the midrib 3-parted from the base, the petioles 5-8 mm. long, silky-pubescent; inflorescence densely appressed silky-pubes- cent; perianth-segments 3-3.5 mm. long, appressed-pubescent on both sides, broadly ovate-elliptic; fruit ellipsoidal, about 10 mm. long.
Kyushu (s. distr.); common near the sea.- Ryukyus.