Japan Flora: Evergreen tree; branches yellowish velvety; leaves coriaceous, oblong to narrowly so, 7-15 cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, slightly recurved on margin, obtuse, glabrous above, yellowish velvety beneath, the lateral nerves 8 to 12 pairs, prominently raised beneath, the petioles 15-40 mm. long, densely woolly; inflorescence short-pedunculate, often branched; flowers very short-pedicelled, the perianth-segments deciduous; stamens 9; fruit ellipsoidal, blue-purple, 15-18 mm. long, about 12 mm. across, with a cupshaped perianth-tube at base. Oct.-Nov. Thickets and woods near the sea.
Honshu (Nagato Prov.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus and s. Korea.