Japan Flora: Coarsely appressed-strigose perennial herb from short, rather thick rhizomes; stems 4分-80 cm. long; leaves elliptic to oblong, rarely obovate or ovate, 7-15 cm. long, 4-9 cm. wide, abruptly acute with an obtuse tip, acute at the base,the petiole 5-30 mm. long; stipules 5-10 mm. long, short-ciliate; spikes few, elongate, 20-40 cm. long, loosely flowered, narrow; flowers short-pedicelled, rose-pink, rarely white, the perianth to 3 mm. long in fruit; achenes inflated-biconvex, brown, elliptic, lustrous, about 2.5 mm. long; styles 2, free, persistent, hooked at apex. Aug.-Oct. Woods and thickets in lowlands and hills;