Japan Flora: Rhizomes creeping, covered with brown marcescent scales and persistent leaf bases; leaves 1-3, orbicular to deeply aniform-orbicular, 1.5-45 cm. long, 2.5-55 cm. wide, loosely pilose on upper side, or glabrous, pilose on the nerves beneath, shallowly 7-Iobed, the lobes depressed-deltoid, irregularly toothed, the petioles 3-17 cm. long; scapes 5-12 cm. long, longer than the leaves, glabrous, 1- to 2-flowered, the bracts lanceolate, ciliate, small, the pedicels 1-2 cm. long; calyx scat- tered short-pilose, nearly tubular, 6-7 mm. long, 5-cleft, the lobes subobtuse, ciliate; corolla rose-colored, about 2.5 cm. across, the tube about 1 cm. long, the lobes minutely ciliolate, the throat yellow; capsules oblong-cylindric, 11-13 mm. long, about twice as long as the calyx. May. Rocky cliffs and ravines, alpine.
Hokkaido (Hidaka Prov.); rare.
var. kamuiana (Miyabe & Tatew.) H.Hara. Petioles, underside o£ leaves, and scapes more densely pubescent; pedicels and calyx pubescent; corolla-lobes ciliolate. Alpine; Hokkaido (Ishikari Prov.).