Japan Flora: White-pubescent perennial; rhizomes short-cheeping; leaves ovate to ovate-elliptic, 4-10 cm. long, 3-6 cm. wide, obtuse, cordate at base, shallowly incised and iiregularly toothed, more or less wrinkled on the upper surface especially while young, the petioles 1-4 times as long as the blades; scapes 15-40 cm. long, umbellately 7- to 20-flow- ered at the top, the bracts narrowly lanceolate, the pedicels 2-3 cm. long in fruit, minutely puberulent; calyx 8-10(-12) mm. long, tubular in anthesis, infundibuliform in fruit, 5- cleft; corolla rose-colcwed, sometimes white, rarely rose-purple in cultivated races, 2-3 cm. across, the tube 10-13 mm. long; capsules depressed conical-globose, about 5 mm. across. Apr.-May. Wet grassy places in lowlands along rivers.
Hokkaido (s. distr.), Honshu, Kyushu. Much cultivated. Korea, Manchuria, and e. Siberia.