Korea Flora: Deciduous small tree or shrub. The bark does not split for a long time. Winter buds and twigs are circular, with rounded tips and smooth surface. Terminal buds are larger than lateral buds, 4-8mm in length. Twigs are hairless and reddish-brown. Yellow lenticels (bark pores) are scattered on the bark. Leaf scars are semicircular. Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnately compound. Leaflets number 7(9)-15, ovate or oblong-ovate, with acuminate tips and oblique (asymmetrical), rounded, or broadly cuneate bases. Leaflet size is 4-10cm × 1.5-3.5cm. The upper surface is hairless and glossy, while the lower surface may have hairs on the veins or be hairless. Leaf margins have wavy serrations. Leaflet stalks are very short (1-2mm). Flowers are dioecious (male and female on separate plants), green, in corymb-like inflorescences 8-15cm in diameter. 4-5 petals and stamens are fused. The ovary is inferior with a split style and 4 stigmas. Fruit and seeds are ovoid to circular, 6-7mm long, red, with the calyx attached at the base. They turn yellow in autumn.
Flowering: Late April to late May
Fruiting: Late August to mid-September
Distribution: Northern to southern China; throughout the country
Japan Flora: Glabrescent tree; leaves 20-30 cm. long, the petioles 2-4 cm. long, the stipules caducous, small, lanceolate, the leaflets subsessile, oblique, narrowly ovate to broadly lanceolate or oblong, 4-10 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. wide, long-acuminate with an obtuse tip, acute to broadly cuneate at base, obtusely toothed, glabrous or nearly so; cymes axillary, on peduncles 4-10 cm. long, puber- ulous,loosely many-flowered, 4-7 cm. across; flowers yellowish green; sepals ovate; petals obovate, persistent, spreading, 3-4 mm. long; drupelets obovoid-globose, 6-7 mm. long. May-June. Woods in lowlands and hills.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common. Ryukyus, Formosa, Korea, China, and India.