Japan Flora: Evergreen; branches rather slender, gray-brown or pale red-brown, much- branched, pale yellow-brown villous while young; leaves rather loosely arranged, lanceolate to broadly so, sometims narrowly oblong, long-acuminate, obtuse to acute at base, with short upright rather long mucronate teeth on upper half, glabrous and lustrous above, yellow-brown pubescent while young becoming glaucous and glabrous beneath, the midrib impressed above, the lateral nerves 10 to 13 pairs, slightly raised beneath, the petioles 10-15 mm. long, glabrous; fruiting involucres densely puberulous; nuts ellipsoidal to oblong-ovoid, 15-22 mm. long. May.
'Warmer regions; Honshu, Shikokn, Kyushu. s. Korea.