Korea Flora: Habit: Perennial herb; leaves densely arranged at apex of short rhizome. Stipe: 20-40 cm long, sparsely scaly with blackish-brown scales along with rachis and pinnae axes. Blade: Pentagonal-ovate, broadly ovate; apex abruptly narrowed and acute; 15-20 cm × 15-22 cm; tripinnate, completely or deeply divided. Pinnae: Basal pair largest, broader on posterior side; size abruptly decreasing upwards. Pinnules: Oblong to ovate-oblong; apex acute or obtuse; very shortly stalked; deeply to completely pinnatifid; abaxial surface with bullate scales. Ultimate Segments: Margins with aristate teeth. Sori: Arranged on upper portion of basal veinlets; indusium subreniform with entire margins. Note: Characterized by pentagonal leaf shape, bullate scales on abaxial surface, and aristate teeth on segments. Habitat: Growing in Baekdu Mountain region.