Korea Flora: Habit: Evergreen herb; leaves densely arranged at apex of short, thick rhizome. Stipe: 15-30 cm long, densely scaly along with rachis. Scales: Dark brown to blackish-brown; broadly lanceolate to linear, becoming narrower and shorter towards apex; rachis scales spreading or reflexed, with small protuberances. Blade: Broadly lanceolate, apex acute, base truncate, 40-60 cm × 15-22 cm; bipinnate, deeply or completely divided. Pinnae: Lanceolate, 1-3.5 cm wide; abaxial costa sparsely scaly; shortly stalked; more deeply divided towards base with separate pinnules. Pinnules: Elongate-oval; apex rounded or obtuse; margins serrulate; lateral veins forked in pairs. Sori: Arranged in upper portion; medial; indusium round-reniform with entire margins. Note: f. coreana H. Ito is distinguished by obtuse pinnule apices and is found in Wando. Habitat: Growing in central and southern regions.