Japan Flora: Habit: Evergreen perennial herb; rhizome short, thick, obliquely ascending; leaves fasciculate at apex. Stipe: Densely scaly along with rachis. Scales: Black to light brown, membranous; base broadened. Blade: Ovate-oblong; apex gradually tapering to acute tip; dark green. Pinnae: Elongate-oblong-lanceolate; obliquely ascending; lower ones sometimes long-stalked. Scales on Rachis: Base bullate (inflated like pouches). Scales on Pinnule Costa: Nearly round and bullate on abaxial surface. Pinnules: Shallowly to deeply pinnatifid. Ultimate Segments: Margins entire, slightly revolute. Sori: Medial between midvein and margin; indusium round-reniform, margins entire or sometimes hairy. Habitat: Growing in shaded mountain areas. Note: Distinguished by its dark green color, bullate scales on rachis and costa, and revolute segment margins.