Korea Flora: Trees up to 3-4m, barks gray and smooth, winter buds terminal, ellipsoid with 2 scales, terminal bud larger than lateral, 4-6 mm long, branchlet reddish to gray, leaf scars V or U shate, Leaves opposite, ovate, 3-5 lobed, abaxially brown pubescent along the vein, 5-9cm × 5-10cm, margin serrate, middle lobes serrate apically, petioile reddish, 2-5 cm long, Inflorescence terminal, racemose, 6-8 cm long, 6-8(-10)-flowered, glabrous, andromonoecious, Sepals 5, Petals 5, almost equal to sepals. Disk glabrous, flat, intrastaminal. Ovary reddish, purple when young. Nutlets flat, smooth, wing including nutlet 20-25 × 5mm,wings lanceolate. Flowering mid May to early June Fruting late Sept to mid Oct. Distribution; Northeastern and northern China, far Eastern Russia; far North, North (Baekdudae-gan)
Taxonomic notes: This taxon was treated as a variety of Acer tschonoskii Maxim. (i.e., var. rubripes Kom.) which is distributed in Japan. Compared to A. tschnonoskii in Japan, the number of flowers and the length of this taxon is smaller (6-8 vs 8-20) and shorter (3-6 vs 6-12mm). Also, the size of the seeds is larger (10-17 × 6-9 vs 9-18 × 6-12mm) than that of Acer tschonoskii . Therefore, taxonomic treatment of this taxon should be treated as an independent species and supported Pojarkova's (1949) and Fang's (1982) treatment.
China Flora: Small deciduous tree, about 5 meters high; bark is smooth, gray. Branches are glabrous. Leaves are papery, triangular-ovate or oblong, 6-10 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, often 5-lobed, rarely 3-lobed, lobes with short tails at the tip, heart-shaped or nearly heart-shaped at the base, densely serrated with sharp points, and reddish-brown pubescent veins on the underside when young; petioles are 4-5 cm long, purple or reddish-purple. Racemes, terminal, unisexual flowers, dioecious. Flowers are yellow-green; sepals are ovate-oblong; petals are oblong-obovate; stamens are nearly the same length as sepals, ovary is purple-red, glabrous, style is short, stigma is recurved. Winged fruits are yellow-brown when ripe, 2-2.5 cm long, with two wings at an obtuse angle; fruit stalk is 7 mm long. Flowering period is May, fruiting period is September. It is produced in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, and grows in sparse forests at an altitude of 800-1200 meters.
It is also distributed in Russia and North Korea.
[translated from Higher Plants of China]
Russia Flora: Tree up to 10 m tall (rarely up to 13-15), 12-20 cm in diameter. Terminal buds with one pair of outer scales, short-stalked (stalk up to 1.5 mm long), lanceolate-ellipsoid, 5-6 mm long, glossy, glabrous. Leaves 5-7-lobed, 4-10 cm long, 4-10.5 cm wide, outline from cordate to rounded, with cordate base, thin, glabrous above or with occasional hairs along veins, below more or less densely brown-hairy along veins; leaf lobes drawn into sharp tips, doubly finely serrate, central lobe noticeably longer and wider than lateral ones. Petioles 4-9 cm long, equal to or slightly shorter than leaf blade, thin, red, from scattered-hairy to glabrous. Inflorescence a few-flowered simple raceme, 4-6 cm long, glabrous or slightly pubescent. Flowers 7-8.5 mm in diameter, yellow, glabrous; petals about 3.5 mm long, slightly longer than sepals, lanceolate-spatulate, obtuse; sepals of same shape; stamens 8, half as long as sepals. Samaras about 2.5 cm long, diverging at obtuse angle; their wings narrowing towards ends. (Table XIX).
Distribution: Ussuri (south). (Fig. 64). - In second layer of black fir-broadleaved forests, more often on northern slopes. Flowering in May. Very ornamental. Honey plant. Included in lists of rare and endangered plants of USSR and Soviet Far East.
General distribution: Japanese-Chinese (Northeast China, Korean Peninsula, Japan - islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu). - Described from Primorye: "Regio austro-ussuriensis, Kedrovaja Padj, leg. Bassargin" (type - LE).