Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender; stolons filiform, branched and creeping; stems 5-10 cm. long, ascending from the base, rather densely white-pubescent, simple, or with 2 or 3 pairs of approximate leaves toward the top: leaves obovate to obovate-orbicular or obovate-oblong, rounded at apex, cuneate to acute at base, coarsely toothed, short-asccnd- ing pubescent above and on nerves beneath, the petioles 1-5 mm. long; flowers 1-3 in axils, 15-18 mm. long; calyx 7-8 mm. long, 5-toothed, prominently hairy; flowers pinkish; lower lip of corolla 5-6 mm. long, spreading; nutlets about 2 mm. long, acutely angled, glabrous, obliquely truncate at apex. Aug. Woods in mountains;