Russia Flora: Plant, up to 1.5 m tall. Root crown multiple-headed, up to 3 cm thick. Stem simple or branching in upper part, slightly furrowed at base, glabrous. Lower leaves with long petioles, short sheaths, biternately compound. Leaflets 3-5 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, oblong-ovate, pointed, pinnately incised, serrate-dentate, light green beneath, slightly hairy. Inflorescence up to 30 (40) cm long. Raceme axis and pedicels pubescent with short appressed simple hairs mixed with glandular ones. Flowers up to 14 mm in diameter. Sepals white or cream-white, early deciduous. Staminodial petals elliptical, entire or slightly emarginate, with 1-2 appendages. Stamens up to 30. Ovaries (2) 3 (5), pubescent with more or less appressed hairs. Carpels on stalks 2-5 mm long. Style about 1.5 mm long. Seeds up to 2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, elliptical, brown, with membranous scales. 2n = 16 (Sokolovskaya, 1963).
Distribution: Dauria, Kamchatka, Northern Sakhalin, Northern Kuriles, Upper Zeya, Lower Zeya, Bureya, Amgun, Ussuri, Southern Sakhalin, Southern Kuriles (Fig. 8). - Along forest edges, clearings, valley meadows, marsh edges, among shrubs, along rivers and streams, on hills, in mountains ascending to upper forest limit. VII-IX. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia (Transbaikalia); Mongolia, Japanese-Chinese. - Described from Kamchatka: "in Kamschatka frequens" (according to protologue) (type-?).