Russia Flora: Plant, up to 1.2 cm tall. Root crown multiple-headed, up to 3 cm thick. Stem simple or branching, glabrous or slightly pubescent near nodes. Lower stem leaves with long petioles, short sheaths, bi- or triternately compound; leaflets 4-9 cm long, 2-6 cm pointed, serrate along margin, light green beneath, sparsely pubescent, especially along veins. Upper leaves ternately compound or simple three-parted, with short petioles. Male inflorescences spreading, up to 30 cm long, female more compact, up to 20 cm long. Pedicels pubescent with short appressed hairs. Flowers about 8 mm in diameter. Sepals petaloid, white or cream-colored, light brown beneath, early deciduous. Staminodial petals in male flowers 2-3, in female flowers 3-4, forked-bipartite with sterile anthers. Male flowers with up to 40 flowers, underdeveloped pistils 1-4. Female flowers with 3-9 pistils, underdeveloped stamens 4-10. Carpels on 1-3 mm long stalks, densely pubescent with short hairs. Styles up to 1 mm long, curved. Seeds elliptical, up to 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, dark brown, with yellowish membranous scales. 2n = 16 (Gurzenkov, 1973).
Distribution: Lower Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri (Fig. 7). - Under deciduous forest canopy, as well as in forest edges, clearings, cuttings, in upland and floodplain meadows, among shrubs. VII-IX. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia (Transbaikalia); Mongolia, Japanese-Chinese (China, Korean Peninsula). - Described from Siberia.