Russia Flora: Plant, up to 35 (40) cm tall. Stems and petioles of basal leaves in lower third pubescent with mostly semi-appressed, predominantly downward-deflected, yellowish, sometimes white hairs. Basal leaves about 4-5 cm long, (6)7-8 cm wide, reniform, rarely almost circular, dissected into 3 primary segments, of which 2 lateral ones fan-shaped or broadly obovate, usually larger than less developed rhomboid middle segment; all three segments three-dissected, deeply incised-dentate along upper margin, glabrous or sparsely hairy, usually with converging lateral sides, shallowly overlapping each other or only touching. Inflorescence umbel-like, sometimes reduced to a single flower. Peduncles initially notably shorter than cauline leaves, then somewhat elongating in fruit but usually not exceeding cauline leaves. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Perianth segments 5(6), up to 6-8 mm wide, oblong-obovate, white. Nutlets about 8 mm long, brown. 2n = 14 (Gurzenkov, 1973). (Table VII).
Distribution: Ussuri (Fig. 19). - On steep rocky slopes in coastal oak forests and coastal sea cliffs, as well as among mesophilic herbs of meadow tundras in subalpine and alpine belts. VI-VII. - Endemic. - Described from Primorye: "In valley of Tyutikhe River, 1909 17 VI, fl. N. V. Dyukina" (type - LE).