Russia Flora: Plant, up to 25 (35) cm tall. Root thin cord-like, usually 4-6 cm long, with notably spaced nodes, sharply ascending and somewhat thickened toward apex, about 2.5-3 mm thick, sometimes short, almost vertical, with strongly converged nodes. Stems solitary, sparsely hairy, often with purple tinge at base, slightly yellowish-brown above, elastic and rigid in fruit. Rosette leaves (3)4-8 or sometimes more at beginning of flowering; petioles almost glabrous, colored similar to stem; blades mostly reniform, with cuneate base, often not fully developed during flowering, 2(2.5) cm long, 4(5) cm wide, in fruit up to 3-4(5) cm long, 5-6 cm wide, dissected into 3 segments, of which 2 lateral ones are obliquely broadly obovate, bipartite, with shallow-lobed or dentate-incised lobes, and middle segment almost rhomboid, three-parted or sometimes three-lobed; all segments sparsely pubescent or noticeably hairy only along margins and veins. Cauline leaves similar to rosette leaves but with shorter petioles. Peduncles elongating, in fruit usually 3-5 times longer than lower part of stem. Flowers solitary, (2.5)3.5-4(4.5) cm in diameter, perianth segments 5(6), 2-2.5(3) cm wide, elliptical or obovate, white, sparsely appressed-hairy outside, sometimes sparsely hairy or almost glabrous, often with purple tinge in lower third. Nutlets as in previous species.
Distribution: Anadyr, Kolyma, Aldan, Upper Zeya (Fig. 20). - In river valleys on shore outcrops, rocks, stone screes, dry floodplains, rarely in dry riverine light coniferous forests, on burnt areas and dry post-forest meadows; predominantly on carbonate rocks, rare. VI-VII. - General distribution: Eastern Siberia. - Described from specimens grown from seeds collected "between Okhotsk and Yakutsk" (type - LE).