Japan Flora: Glabrous deciduous shrub, the branches green, often whitish waxy, terete; leaves membranous, broadly lanceolate to ovate-oblong, 5-13 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, long-acuminate, acute to subrounded at base, minutely and obtusely toothed, pale green and the lateral nerves slightly raised beneath, the petioles 3-5 mm. long; inflorescence 5니0 cm. long, few-floxvered on slender peduncles; flowers 4-mcrous, purplish; calyx-teeth depressed-rounded, entire; petals orbicular, about 5 mm. long; filaments very short; fruit pendulous, globose, smooth, 8-10 mm. across, the aril red; seeds yellow-brown. Mountains.